Our People First

Since Kateza Realty was founded by our incredible CEO who has, by always keeping a professional behavior, working hard, and believing in her potential, gone through good and tough times. She believes that our main asset is our associated brokers and sales persons:

As an Agent for many Years in NYC I know and understand how agents, new and old, are often underestimated by many real estate companies. We must care for the happiness of our people with constant tools improvements, higher commissions splits, seminars, more independence.

It is in our mission to make it easy for our associates to work at their own rhythm and manage their time and money according to their needs. We strongly believe that a happy work environment is the key to success: happier associates means smiling faces when meeting the clients and everybody at Kateza Realty will benefit from a good reputation.

Independent Contractors deserve independence

At Kateza Realty we do understand that for some of our associates this job provides an opportunity for some extra income or a temporary job waiting for your next role on Broadway or another big opportunity. On the other hand, for many, this job is a life-long career. You already have your own work-style and do not care about being micro-managed by people who might not even have the same level of experience you already accumulated. As our CEO eloquently puts it:

Although our people are independent contractors and not just employees, we need to strive to provide them with the possibility for long-term sustainable jobs. Thus, we want our agents to keep most of their hard earned commissions (e.g., by not requiring desk fees and by providing higher splits for them) that can be used, for example, toward their individual healthcare and pension plans if they chose to do so.

How can Kateza Realty be so different from every other firm in the sector ? The answer is simple: we lower the Company’s fixed costs by investing in new technologies that will provide easy access to clients, listings, and appointments management tools thus not requiring our associates to be in an office in order to do their job.

High-Tech Startup Environment

You might have thought it already: Kateza Realty is not your average brokerage company where, most often than not, going to work becomes a burden because of the competitiveness nature of the job. Our approach is to give you the right tools (and higher splits) to promote your name, not the Company’s one. This means that your success mostly depends on how dynamic, professional, and hard worker you are.

Combined with an ever growing network to obtain services (e.g., virtual offices for meeting with clients, google voice for globally distributed phone network, and more) at discounted rates, our internet-based approach provides you with the flexibility to work in the way that best fit your life requirements.

Higher Splits

The Kateza Realty’s formula is very simple:

Deals + Higher Commission Splits = Better Life Style

In detail, we offer to our associates an 80% commission split on rentals to our associates. For Sales, the commission split is 75%. Yes, you read well, our associates get to keep from 75% to 80% of their commissions!

Let’s talk numbers

Let’s make the case for Bob who is an associate that preferably works in the rental market and successfully closes 4 deals a month. The average commission in the areas where he has decided to work is $4,000.00. Bob will earn, each month, an estimated average of $12,800.00. Here’s the detailed calculations:

$4,000.00 (avg. commission) x 0.80 (80% split) x 4 (monthly deals) =

$12,800.00 (estimated average monthly earnings)

Now, in order to calculate the yearly income, just multiply the monthly earnings by 12. What do you get ? Well, the result is a very good salary of:

$153,600.00 (yearly earnings)

This will leave Bob plenty of money for subscribing to a good health care plan for his family and him, plus saving for his retirement.

Competence, Courtesy, and Work Ethics

When you will join Kateza Realty, it it important to understand that you will be representing our Company and that you will need to rely mostly on your capabilities. At this time, we are looking for potential candidates with more then one year of experience in the industry (although, based on the interview, this requirement might be waived). What is strictly required is a very high standard when it comes to work ethics and knowledge of the Real Estate market in the areas you will work at.

In other words, if you commit to the following: Integrity, Knowledge of Real Estate market, Competence, and you are willing and able to work independently (as independent contractors with your own portfolio), we are definitely looking for you!

Strength in Diversity

Last but not least, we do really value diversity in our company – it is a source of strength and provides us with the possibility for better serving a constantly changing community that thrives on diversity. Thus, if you speak more than one language it is a big plus for us!